A Level Accelerator - Divergence Education
Divergence Education
"Learn How To Maximise Your A level Grades In The Final 2 Months"
Are you only weeks away from A levels and you want to do everything you possibly can to get your dream grades?
Have you watched hours of Youtube videos, many past papers and the grades still aren't changing?
Chances are, you said yes to both, and you are not alone.
This book will offer you the secrets on:
- Building a Resilient Mindset that understands what day-to-day revision looks like and how this translates to real improvement
- How to Balance your Studies whilst still enjoying yourself every single day
- A Timetable tested by many of our Students on How to Revise during School and Non-school days
- Scheduling Topic Questions before Past Papers and why
- How to use Past Papers the Right Way
- Revision techniques to Improve Focus
- Links to other FREE documents to help your revision
We have condensed our knowledge to ensure you have enough information to learn but also enough time to go and take action.
At the price of a sandwich, this book is your guidance to help work through the last couple months before the A levels.
It is never too late to improve... make sure you start NOW.
Here's what you will get:
E Book
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11.7 MB
14 pages
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